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We run a dual management structure, with the Chief Executive Officer and Senior Editorial Team Members reporting to a Board of Directors comprising two nominees from each of our three owner organisations. They lead a small, committed and qualified team of staff with broad work experiences in practical and/or academic areas, ranging from medicine, pharmacy, IT and marketing to administrative fields. In addition, our network comprising of over 100 reviewers throughout Australia complement our operations. Without a doubt, our human resources form the bedrock of our success.
Chief Executive Officer
David Dart (BMgt FIPA)
Business Manager
Alison Campbell (AssDipCompSc AssDipAcctg)
Accounts Officer
Phil Gardner
Administration Assistant
Ann-Marie McCormick
National Sales Manager
Darlene Davis (DipMgt)
Marketing Officer
Mariana Campos (BScPubRel DipProjMgt)
Manager - Digital Business Solutions
Joanne Smith (DipMgt PRINCE2®)
Software Developer
Kevin Jam
Senior Editor (Content)
Louise Sheridan (BPharm)
Team Leader - Publishing Production/Editor
Katrina Jones (BPharm)
Team Leader - Aged Care Content/Editor
Jane Curtis (BPharm)
Editorial Consultant
Simone Rossi (BPharm)
Amber Bendyk (BPharm)
Christina Adamopoulos (BPharm)
John Kron (BAppScPhysio )
Leila Labandilo (BPharm)
Louise Quinn (BPharm)
Renae Harris (BPharm)
Simon La Forgia (BPharm MClinPharm)
Sonia Bushby (BPharm GDipClinPharm)
Susan Piper (BPharm)
Tess Cardinal (BPharm[Hons])
Board of Directors
Grant Kardachi AM, (Chair)
Grant is a former national President of PSA, Past Chair of AACP, and has chaired many national and state sub-committees. He is currently Chair of PRASA and a board member of AACP and Southern Cross Care having recently retired from the PSA National Board. He has also served on the South Australian Domiciliary Medication Management Review Implementation Committee and served on SA diabetes and asthma committees. A Fellow and Life Member of the PSA, he was awarded the Barry Schultz Medal for Excellence in Pharmacy by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia in 2013. Grant was a community pharmacist owner for many years, and he views practice change as an important foundation to integrate new initiatives into a pharmacy model that is sustainable and viable in the future to ensure patients have the best possible health outcomes.
Professor Andrew Somogyi
Andrew is Professor in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology at The University of Adelaide. He is a practicing pharmacist and teaches into medical, dental, nursing and several health science courses. He was a member of several TGA advisory committees and is a SA Health advisory committee member. He has an international research track record in pharmacogenetics and genomics, is chair of national and international pharmacogenetics committees and contributes to international pharmacogenetics guideline implementation consortia. He is a fellow of the British Pharmacological Society, the Royal Society of Medicine, and Faculty of Pain Medicine (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists). He is a former president and secretary of the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists
Professor Nigel Stocks
Nigel is Head of the Discipline of General Practice at the University of Adelaide and Director of the only national Primary Care Committee and deputy chair of the Vaccine Preventable Disease Advisory Group for SA. He is an experienced primary health care researcher who has conducted large and small RCT’s in general practice but also with an interest in qualitative and health services research. His main areas of interest include cardiovascular and infectious disease, prevention and quality of life. For several years he was the RACGP SA/NT Faculty Chair, a member and Chair of their national Council and member of their research committee.
Professor Carl Kirkpatrick
Carl is a Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University. He has an international track record in the application of quantitative clinical pharmacology for drug development and optimising older medications, as well as extensive experience in pharmacy education, including the development of guidelines and educational content for healthcare professionals. He is currently the immediate past president of the Australian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists.
Steve Morris
Steve is currently CEO of PSA. Previous roles include those of CEO Arthritis South Australia and CEO NPS Medicinewise. Prior to that he was Executive Director SA Pharmacy and Chief Pharmacist, SA Health, having responsibility for the delivery of statewide pharmacy services to the public sector within South Australia. He has worked in numerous clinical and managerial roles within health spanning pharmacy practice, including community, hospital, primary care, industry and NGO sectors. Prior to moving to Australia, he was the Deputy Chief Executive of the National Prescribing Centre in the UK. He has a keen interest in medicines safety, health literacy and workforce strategies which enhance the impact of pharmacists on patient outcomes.
Dr Rebekah Hoffman
Dr Hoffman is a specialist GP and a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practice. She is currently completing a PhD at the University of Wollongong. Dr Hoffman is a peer representative on the Medical Council and Professional Services Review panels, and also represents local GPs on a number of committees, boards, and faculties, she is currently a Board Director for the RACGP. She is a co-owner at Kirrawee Family Medical Practice and Woolooware Family Medical Practice.
Editorial Advisory Committee
Prof Nick Buckley
(MD, FRACP [Chairman])
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine & Health, University of Sydney, NSW
Committee Members
Dr John Dowden
Medical Editor, Canberra, ACT
Ms Simone Rossi
Editorial Consultant
Australian Medicines Handbook,
Adelaide, SA
Associate Professor W Jane Smith
Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine,
Bond University, QLD
Professor Andrew Somogyi
(PhC, DipHospPharm, MSc, PhD)
Discipline of Pharmacology, School of Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA
Dr Tilenka Thynne
Clinical Pharmacologist & Endocrinologist,
Flinders Medical Centre, SA
Prof Melissa Baysari
Professor of Health Research, Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine & Health, University of Sydney, NSW